Savage Mini Park was named after a beloved employee of the Suffolk Franklin Savings Bank (the original business occupying 10 Birch Street, now the site of the Emerald Society). When Roslindale Green & Clean began work at the site, the triangular shaped space already contained two sycamore trees (with their distinctive exfoliating bark) and several barberries. These plantings were added to in 2006 with plant material funded through a Small Changes grant from the City of Boston. The Roslindale Community Centers, which wrote the grant, asked RG&C to design and plant the park.
The site posed some challenges because of the lack of a water source, competing tree roots, and a significant amount of shade. Currently, the site’s major plantings consist of Euonymous fortunei ‘Moonshadow’, Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’, carex ‘Ice Dance’, and, planted at the narrowest corner of the triangle, goldmoss sedum .