RG&C’s 2019 Garden Tour was a tremendous success – our most successful garden tour to date.
Thanks to the garden owners who were willing to share their gardens with all of us, the volunteers who made the tour possible through their hard work, the sponsors who supported the tour, and, without any question, the many, many people who took advantage of great weather and beautiful gardens and went on the tour.
It was a privilege to be welcomed into the private backyard spaces on the tour, spaces we likely would never see without such an event.
Thank you all for your efforts on behalf of Roslindale Green & Clean.
We couldn’t have done it without you.
And thanks again to these sponsors:
Gold Oak Sponsor:
Linda Burnett, Realtor® / Insight Realty Group
Copper Beech Sponsor:
Christie Dustman & Company, Inc.
Joanne Rossman: Purveyor of the Unnecessary & the Irresistible
Birch Street House & Garden
Centre Cuts Salon & Spa
and our other generous sponsors:
Cheryl Crawford
Green T Coffee Shop
Roche Brothers
Roslindale Ace Hardware
Sacred Heart Parish
West on Centre.